Lumbee River Christian College
Your Affordable Choice | Christian Colleges In North Carolina
Educating Ministers and Missionaries Since 1968
Formerly Native American Bible College
Library Policies
LRCC Library Mission and Policies
In keeping with the Purpose Statement of Lumbee River Christian College, the Mission of the Library is to provide the bibliographic resources, research services, and the study environment necessary to support the academic and related educational programs offered by Lumbee River Christian College to equip Christians, particularly Native American Christians, to be effective in ministry to God, the Church, and the world.
Library Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Open, except during chapel
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Circulation Policies
1.0 Borrowing Privileges
1.1 Eligible Borrowers
The Lumbee River Christian College Library is for the use of the faculty, staff, and students of the college. With the approval of the college president or the library director, external users with a demonstrated need to consult our collections and local clergy of any Christian faith may register for onsite use of our collection, without borrowing privileges. The faculty, staff, and students have priority in the use of materials, equipment, staff assistance, service, and seating.
1.2 Loan Periods
Students Faculty/Staff
Circulating Books: 21 day end of semester
Audio Materials: 7 days 7 days
Videos: 7 days 7 days
Transparencies &Vertical Files: non-circulating 3 hours
CD-ROM’s: Library use only (2 hours, renewable for another 2 hours if not requested by another patron)
Periodicals & Reference Books: non-circulating 3 hours
1.3 Reserve Materials
The faculty may request that circulation material be set aside on reserve for students. Such material may be for use in the library (2 hours) or be borrowed for 24 hours, 3 days, or 7 days, at the discretion of the instructor.
1.4 Maximum Items That May Be Checked Out
To ensure that the library has an adequate supply of materials for all patrons, a maximum of 12 items (which may include up to 3 books on any one subject, up to 2 audio items, and up to 2 videos) may be checked out at one time. An exemption to these limits may be made at the discretion of the Library Director.
1.5 Renewals
A patron may renew one (1) time provided the material is not needed by another borrower. This renewal may be done either in person or by a telephone call to the librarian or library assistant on duty at 843-5304 Ext. 1013.
1.6 Holds/Reserves
A patron may place a hold/reserve on a circulating book, audio material, or video which is presently checked out by another patron. When a hold/reserve is filled, the patron is notified and the media is held for 2 days. Holds/reserves can be made either on the online catalog or in person.
When a circulating book, audio item, or video has as many as 3 holds on it, the loan period is reduced from 21 days to 7 days or from 7 days to 3 days, according to the type of media it is.
1.7 Check-Out Procedure
The patron must present his/her identification card along with the material (book, sound or video recording) he/she wishes to borrow. The librarian on duty at the Circulation Desk will check the material out and stamp the date due slip on the material being borrowed.
No one may check out material for another person. The borrower is responsible for any books or other library material checked out by him/her.
1.8 Inter-library Loan
Native American Bible College has interlibrary loan agreements with four Christian college libraries. Current faculty/staff and students engaged in class related research may request to borrow books or to get copies of journal articles from these institutions.
Only after a patron has thoroughly searched the Lumbee River Christian College Library for a particular item, should he/she submit an interlibrary loan request. The request must be submitted to the Librarian in writing on an Interlibrary Loan Request form available at the Circulation Desk. Sufficient time (at least three weeks) must be allowed for a request to be processed. All borrowed material must be returned within six weeks. The borrower is responsible for return postage. Books will be sent and returned at Library Rate. Copies of articles are for the patron to keep. To cover the cost of printing articles which arrive by fax or e-mail, the patron shall pay $0.10 per page.
2.0 Overdue Material
2.1 Overdue Fines
Circulating Books $0.25 per day
Audio Cassettes $0.50 per day
Video Cassettes $0.50 per day
Vertical Files no fine
CD-ROM’s no fine
Periodicals & Reference Books no fine
The maximum fine is $5.00 per item. Fines should be paid at the Circulation Desk. The fine should be paid in full. With a valid reason and at the discretion of the Library Director, a partial payment may be made, but the final payment is due before the end of the semester.
2.2 Overdue Notices and Charges
When circulating media is overdue, overdue notices may be sent as a courtesy. Non-receipt of overdue notices does not relieve the patron from paying overdue fines. It is the responsibility of the patron to monitor his/her library transactions.
2.3 Procedures for Non-Respondents
A student with any overdue material (book/sound or video recording) or an outstanding fine loses his/her privilege to borrow library materials, until the overdue material is returned and the fine has been paid. At the end of each semester, failure to pay fines, to return library materials, and/or to pay for lost materials may prevent a student from taking final examinations, from receiving grades/transcripts, receiving a diploma, or registering for a new term, until the delinquent account is settled. Any exemption to this policy is at the discretion of the Library Director.
3.0 Replacement of Lost or Damaged Materials
3.1 Damaged Materials
Fines on damaged books, sound or video recordings, etc. will be determined by the Library Director and the Administration. If the material is damaged beyond repair, the patron will be charged the replacement cost of the said material.
3.2 Lost Materials
The replacement cost for a lost book, sound or video recording, or any other library material, as well as any necessary processing fee, will be charged to the patron. This cost will be determined by the Library Director and the Administration.
4.0 General Guidelines for Library Patrons
4.1 Library Classification System
Books, sound and video recordings, and CD-ROM’s are classified according to the Dewey Decimal System. The online catalog for these materials is found at https://lumbeerivercc.library.sit. Materials are located in the appropriate areas of the Library.
4.2 Use of Library Equipment
Audio and video equipment may be used in the AV Room only. Computers and printers are available at the appropriate stations in the Library. Upon request, the librarian will assist the patron in locating the desired CD-ROM.
4.3 Common Courtesies
The Lumbee River Christian College Library has been equipped and furnished by many individuals and groups across the United States. The Library houses collections of books (reference books and stacks), video recordings, sound recordings, CD-ROMs, periodicals (journals, magazines, newspapers), vertical files, etc. Patrons are asked to be good stewards of the materials that have been provided and to adhere to the following rules:
No eating or drinking is allowed in the Library.
There is to be no talking above a whisper. If a discussion is necessary, the parties involved should step out into the hall.
Any waste paper, etc. should be thrown into the wastebasket. Chairs should be pushed in.
Library materials (books, files, journals, videos, etc.) that have been pulled must be left at the designated areas for the librarian to shelve or file. Please refrain from “helping” the librarian.
Unattended children will not be permitted in the library. If it is necessary for a parent to bring a child with him/her when doing library studies, the parent is at all times responsible for the child.
While on duty, library assistants (including student assistants and library volunteers) possess the full authority of the librarian in maintaining order.
Additional Questions? - Ask the Librarian
Librarian: Liisa Kelly
Phone contact: 910-843-5304 ext. 1013
email: lkelly@nabc.edu